R04Installing.htmlTEXTMOSS‹¥Ûï¥ÛïÅÅf˛ Rumpus 1.3 - User's Guide: Installing Rumpus

Rumpus 1.3 User's Guide

Installing Rumpus

Rumpus is easily installed and configured; it's just a matter of copying a few files to your hard drive. The Rumpus installation diskette includes the Rumpus application, a "Read Me" file, a validation key file, and an online version of this User's Guide. Demonstration packages will be very similar, but lack a validation key.

If you have downloaded a Rumpus demonstration package, simply use StuffIt Expander or a similar tool to decompress the package. This will create a folder on your hard drive with the complete Rumpus package ready to be run.

To install Rumpus from disk just follow these steps:

No matter how you install your copy of Rumpus, you can put the Rumpus folder anywhere on the hard drive you wish.

Rumpus operates as a single application, with the server and administration modules combined in one program. When you launch Rumpus it starts serving immediately, and it stops serving when the application is quit. The following sections describe how to configure Rumpus in detail.

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